A Healthy Church is committed to the “Three Greats” inits congregation and community. Simply put…Love God & Love others; Make disciples; and let Jesus be Lord of His church!
* Core Value: The Bible We value the Bible. We affirm the Bible as God’s Word, and as such we find it profitable in all matters of faith and practice. Far more than inspiring religious literature, we seek to do what it says. In this way, we are seeking to make God’s ways . . . our ways. II Tim. 3:16-17; James 1:22.
* Core Value: Prayer At Grace Baptist Church, we value prayer. We are seeking to be a people of prayer. This means we are seeking our Master’s will and kingdom in all that we do, desiring first to hear from Him, and then carrying out His wishes. It means building our relationship with God, and also interceding with God about others. Mark 1:35; John 16:24
* We value Every Person: Christian and non-Christian alike.Everyone is valuable to God, and because of this, responsible evangelism will always be our cause and disciplemaking will forever remain at the core of our ministry. Mt. 18:14; 25:45; II Pet. 3:9
* Core Value: Quality We desire to honor God with our best, and resist the idea of, “Just any old thing will do.” Thus, we fulfill the Scripture that says, “Whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.” I Corinthians 10:31
* We value Loving Relationships. As His disciples we seek to fulfill the Great Commandment by loving God and loving others. We take seriously the words Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another,” This means that we are purposefully building right-relationships with God; with each other; and with the lost. We value these relationships and will sacrifice our time, talent, and treasure to build them. Matt. 22:37-40; Jn. 13:35.
* We value Grace and Truth. Jesus came from the Father full of “grace and truth.” Even so we seek to exemplify these characteristics in our lives. Grace without truth is sentimentalism; Truth without grace is judgmentalism. We affirm grace and truth, knowing grace with truth provides loving acceptance; while truth with grace provides loving correction. We affirm we are sinners saved by grace, and that Jesus is God’s truthful provision for sin. John 1:14
* We value Humility. We recognize that humility is the first mark of greatness in the Kingdom of God because Jesus taught that the greatest in His Kingdom would be the servants of others. God opposes the proud but He gives grace to the humble. Therefore we strive to dive to the bottom of the pile in honor of our Master. Humility is trusting God and others with me. Mark 9:35; Jas. 4:6.
Lord’s Day:
9:15am Sunday
School 11:00am Morning
Worship Service
1:00pm Life Group @ Grippin’s
This Week:
10:00am Tuesday, Prayer Group @ Dana’s
6:00pm Tuesday, Life Group @
6:00pm Wednesday,
Worship Practice
10:00am Thursday,
Bible Study @ Dana’s
10:00am Friday, Bible Study @ Sherry’s
6:00pm Friday,
Life Group @ Gilkison’s 8:00am Saturday,
Men’s Breakfast
Life Group Ministries—contact Pastor Russ for details.
Address: 1855 E. Ellendale Ave. Dallas, OR 97338 Ph: 503-623-4858